what to do if fire alarm goes off

There are few things more than alarming (no pun intended) than your smoke alarm going off. It's peculiarly annoying, however, when information technology'southward a false alarm. How practise you turn off your smoke alarm, and how do you decrease the number of false alerts you go? Using information from meridian fume warning companies and organizations, we've got the answers.

How To Turn Off a Smoke Alarm

Want to stop your smoke alarm from chirping? We'll tell y'all how to plough information technology off without sacrificing your overall burn down safety.

Alder Security Fire Alarm
Alder Security Burn down Alarm

How To Temporarily Silence Alarm

Exactly how yous'll stop your smoke alarm from going off will depend on the model and the manufacturer of your device. For Kidde devices, a popular smoke warning brand, take the following steps:

Silence the Alarm in iii Steps

  1. Press the hush/silencing button. It volition silence the entire interconnected system. The button may also say "test." It should silence all the alarms immediately unless there's still smoke and debris.
  2. Information technology will reset in eight minutes, given that the smoke and droppings accept dissipated. Y'all can press the hush button repeatedly until the air is clean.
  3. To terminate the hush period, push the test/hush button once more.1

Why Smoke Alarm Is Going Off

These are some reasons your smoke alarm might be going off bated from bodily smoke or a burn down:

  • Low battery
  • Insects or dust in alarm
  • Silence push button pushed by accident
  • Wrong wiring on Ac or Air-conditioning/DC smoke detectors
  • Ability interruptions (on hardwired alarms)2

TIP: To make clean your smoke alarm, use a compressed air canister (like ane yous might utilize to make clean your keyboard). Dust and debris can cause false alarms.

How Oft To Alter Batteries on Smoke Alarm

How often to alter your smoke alarm's batteries volition once again depend on the manufacturer and model of your alarm. However, nigh companies recommend that you lot supercede batteries once a year; many people sync this upwards with daylight saving time as an like shooting fish in a barrel way to remember.

How To Reset and Make clean Smoke Alarms

Are cherry and green lights flashing on your fume alarm? If there are no obvious signs of smoke or fire, then you should reset information technology and clean it to prevent hereafter fake alarms.


  1. Disconnect the alarm and remove its battery.
  2. Belongings the alert by its edge, use a keyboard cleaner to remove debris on the side of the device.
  3. Press and hold the test button for 5 seconds.
  4. Reconnect the device to power and its backup battery. Information technology will chirp once information technology connects to power.


  1. Remove the battery.
  2. Printing and concord the examination push button.
  3. Reinstall the battery. It will chirp once when it reconnects to power.
ADT Smoke Alarm
ADT Fume Alarm

How To Get Rid of False Alarms

We've all had smoke alarms that go off when there's not even smoke, let alone fire. To fix the issue, yous have to get to the root of the problem (after yous silence the abrasive alarm, of course).

Possible Causes of Fake Alarms

These are some situations and conditions that tin crusade false alarms in fume detectors:

  • The alarm is too old. If your alarm is seven to ten years sometime (or more), information technology'due south time to remove and replace information technology.
  • The alarm is dirty. Bugs, dust, or debris in your fume alarm's sensing bedroom could exist triggering information technology falsely.
  • The warning is close to steam, sunlight, etc. If your warning is near HVAC vents, fluorescent lights, steam, moving air, or sunlight, move it away from the fireplace, bathroom, kitchen, or furnace.
  • You've had recent power problems. If you lot have a hardwired smoke alert, a power outage could trigger the alarm; typically, information technology will sound briefly when the power is interrupted.
  • The warning is installed over a junction box. You shouldn't install wireless fume alarms over junction boxes, as this could trigger fake alarms.
  • The warning is exposed to humidity. Humidity tin can crusade false alarms, so move your detector away from bathrooms or other loftier-humidity areas in your home.
  • An interconnected alert went off. If your smoke warning is part of a larger AC or Ac/DC alarm organization (and no, we're non talking nigh the band), some other unit triggering may crusade your alarm to sound off too.
  • Large appliances are on the aforementioned excursion. Some other effect could exist an appliance on the same circuit, like a vacuum cleaner.
  • The heating was turned on. When you turn your rut on for the first time of the season, clay, construction droppings, drywall dust, oil, and residue in your furnace and ductwork can cause fume, triggering your warning.
  • The alarm malfunctioned. If you've gone through all of the in a higher place causes and none of them apply, you could have a malfunctioning device.iii

How To Go a New Smoke Alarm

If your smoke alarm is old or malfunctioning, it might be fourth dimension to replace it. Here's what to wait out for.

Types of Fire Alarms

First, become a dual alarm with sensors for both fast-moving (ionization) and wearisome-moving (photoelectric) fires. Fast-moving fires include a candle setting a mantle ablaze, while slow-moving fires include electrical fires that start in walls.

Type of fume alert Ionization Photoelectric Dual
Fast-moving fires Yes No Yes
Slow-moving fires No Yeah Yes


Of the smoke detectors that we've tested out, the average cost is around $44, varying past make, manufacturer, and capabilities.


You can either get a bombardment-powered or a hardwired smoke detector, the latter of which will about likely take a fill-in bombardment. If it's the former, take battery life into consideration.

Noise Level

It'southward best to get a smoke alarm of at least 85 decibels so you tin hear it fifty-fifty when you're sleeping. Better yet, all of your fume alarms should be interconnected and so that if one goes off, they all go off. Information technology's best to get either an electrician or the burn section to install hardwired alarms, though.4

Annotation: 85 decibels is louder than a garbage disposal but not as loud as a blender.5

Operating Temperature

You'll need to go along your domicile at a certain temperature range to suit your smoke alarm, typically about 32 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Below or above those temperatures, the alarm will terminate functioning.

CO Detection

These days, almost smoke alarms are bundled with CO alarms, which detect mortiferous carbon monoxide. If you don't already take one, we recommend buying a combination smoke/CO alarm like the Nest Protect, one of the all-time smart domicile devices available. Acquire more about how to install CO alarms.

Extra Sensing

Speaking of the Nest Protect, this device senses temperature, humidity, occupancy, and ambient low-cal in add-on to smoke and CO. While these features aren't typical of smoke alarms, they're cool extras to look out for if you're willing to spend considerably more.


Many smart smoke detectors test themselves periodically and automatically, ensuring that they're expert on power and are connected to professional monitoring, if applicative.

Smart Platform Integrations

It'due south no secret that nosotros honey living in smart homes, where our smart lights plough on automatically, our smart garage door opens for us at the finish of the twenty-four hour period, and our smart locks make sure we're always prophylactic when working from home. And then why wouldn't our smoke alarm exist smart as well? We prefer alarms that work with our voice assistants, assuasive for voice commands as well as domicile automation. For us, that meant that our doors unlocked when our fume alarm went off, allowing an piece of cake exit.


The average fume alarm has audio alerts, just others have vox alerts, color-coded light alerts, and even depression-battery alerts.


Since false alerts are the proper noun of the game, it's important for smoke alarms to take silencing features.


The smoke alarm should be certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or a country's burn down marshal.


If the smoke alarm is an IoT device, it should have a mobile app free of bugs. Cheque out the ratings and reviews on your mobile device'south official app store before purchasing a fume detector.


The most protection means signing up for a smoke warning with 24/7 professional monitoring. That means that if your alert goes off and yous're not habitation and/or miss your mobile notification, someone can contact the fire department for you, no matter the time or mean solar day. Vivint is one company that offers professionally monitored smoke alarms. For more data, read our folio on Vivint'due south pricing.

What Fire Alarms Sounds Mean

Depending on the brand and model of your fire alarm, unlike sounds can mean unlike things. The companies First Warning and Kidde make many smoke alarms in the U.S., so nosotros broke information technology downward by those brands.

First Alert

  • 3 loud beeps: Alarm detects fume.
  • Four loud beeps: Alarm detects dangerous levels of CO.half-dozen


  • Loud, continuous alarms: Warning detects smoke.
  • Chirping later on 30 to 60 seconds: Battery may demand replacement.
  • Chirping without a regular design: Battery is low.vii

Where To Install Smoke Alarms in Your Dwelling house

As important equally information technology is to know where to install smoke alarms in your home, it'south every bit important to know where not to install them.

Alder Smoke Detector
Alder Smoke Detector

Where to Install

  • Inside and outside of each bedroom or sleeping area
  • On every level of your home, including the basement
  • Either on the ceiling or loftier on the wall (within a human foot of the ceiling)
  • Most your living room, family unit room, or den (if the level doesn't already include bedrooms)
  • Nearly the stairway to the upper level
  • In the basement, on the ceiling at the bottom of the stairs
  • At least 10 feet away from cooking appliances
  • If ceilings are pitched, within 3 feet of the peak (but not within the peak'due south noon)

Where Not to Install

  • Less than 10 feet away from cooking appliances
  • Less than 12 inches from the ceiling
  • Near doors, windows, or ducts, every bit drafts could crusade false alarmsviii
  • Almost a kitchen, fireplace, furnace, or bathroom

How To Maintain Fume Alarms

According to the U.S. Fire Assistants (USFA), here'southward how to maintain different types of fume alarms past how they're powered:

Blazon of power 9-volt bombardment 10-year lithium battery Hardwired
Test monthly Yes Yes Yes
Supercede battery At least one time a yr N/A At to the lowest degree once a year
Replace smoke alert Every 10 years According to manufacturer's instructions Every 10 years

What if My Fume Alarm Beeps When I Cook?

Yous're in the middle of roasting some delicious butternut squash, so your smoke warning goes off, even though there's very little fume involved. We've all been there. Here's what to exercise, co-ordinate to the USFA:

  1. Don't accept the bombardment out.
  2. Open a window or door.
  3. Wave a towel at the detector.
  4. Printing the silence button.
  5. Move the alarm away from the bath or kitchen past several anxiety.


A beeping smoke alert is loud, annoying, and obtrusive, simply ultimately, information technology's ameliorate to accept a smoke alarm with false alerts than a smoke alarm with no alerts at all. We promise we answered all of your questions nigh turning off your smoke alert, and if we didn't, go on reading below.


Given the barrage of questions we've gotten about how to stop your smoke warning from chirping, here is some additional information.

  • How practice you get a smoke alarm to finish chirping?

    To get a smoke alarm to stop chirping, press its hush/silencing push button. So, figure out what caused the fake alarm, such as humidity, and set the problem, like by moving information technology away from a bath.

  • Will a smoke alarm eventually stop chirping?

    A smoke alert will eventually finish chirping if information technology stops detecting smoke or if the status that created the false alarm is fixed. For example, if dust and debris is causing your alarm to sound, cleaning it will stop it from chirping.

  • How can y'all turn off a fire alarm?

    You can turn off a fire alarm by pressing its silencing push button. Withal, we don't recommend removing the device or the batteries.

  • How exercise I get my burn alarm to stop beeping every 30 seconds?

    To get your fire alert to stop beeping every thirty seconds, printing the silencing push, or observe the crusade of the fake alarm and correct it.


Source: https://www.security.org/home-security-systems/turn-off-smoke-alarm/

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